Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quotes about A-Rod

"One thing that really upsets me a lot is when you hear everybody say it was the 'Steroid Era' and everybody was doing it. Well, that's not true. Everybody wasn't doing it." – N.Y. Yankees captain, SS Derek Jeter.

"I'd welcome him if he got elected to the Hall of Fame. I always seem to walk down the middle of the fence. I understand the old hard-line guys that use the words, 'He cheated. He cheated.' And the other guys that go, 'It was a culture thing back then.' If you played then, you would have been tempted, too. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I don't want to get that wrong. We've all got some things in our closet."- Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt.

"On behalf of Major League Baseball, I am saddened by the revelations concerning Alex Rodriguez's use of performance-enhancing substances. While Alex deserves credit for publicly confronting the issue, there is no valid excuse for using such substances and those who use them have shamed the game.” – MLB Commissioner Bud Selig.

"When you get beyond that, for him, I think there's going to be some redemption. Because when you come clean the way you should come clean, and you face a problem or an issue, that's human nature how somebody deals with a problem. [Either] you store it up inside and it compounds into a bigger problem, or you say, 'This is something I did,' and admit that it was a problem, and it was wrong. And from there, it'll take some time, but I think there'll be some redemption." – Detroit Tigers pitcher Nate Robertson.

“A-Rod's numbers shouldn't count for anything. I feel like he cheated me out of the game. The few times we played them, when he got hits, it could have cost me a game. It could have cost me money in my contract. He cheated me out of the game and I take it personally, because I've never done [PEDs], haven't done it, and they're cheating me out of the game."- Houston Astros pitcher Roy Oswalt.

"I think it had to be a big monkey for him to get off his back. It's another big cloud over all baseball, and his accomplishments, but I think it will be good for him in the long run."- Cleveland Cavalier All-Star LeBron James.

"I feel personally betrayed and deceived by Alex. He was supposed to be one of the hardest working players in baseball. He had legendary offseason workouts that he told me lasted five hours a day in Florida. Now I don't know who to believe or what to believe." - Texas Ranger owner Tom Hicks.

"I consider myself a friend of A-Rod's and someone I had a lot of faith in and trusted and, I don't know, he's lied before when he did the '60 Minutes' deal and now he comes out ... and says 'Well, I did do it. But I only did it for two years.' Where does the circle of trust end here? It's a real bad story. The one thing I am impressed with is he came right out and admitted it. But I don't think that that's going to -- I mean, God, the poor guy, his career's ruined, and, for what? Just trying to compete with everybody else." – Hall of Famer George Brett.

"I knew we weren't taking Tic Tacs."- A-Rod

What’s your take? Does A-Rod still belongs in the Hall of Fame? Take the poll and let the world know. Also If you have any other interesting quotes feel free to share them with me in the comment box.


  1. This is always a difficult decision. It seems clear to me taht A-Rod would still have hall of fame numbers, even without the steroids.

    But . . . I think this is tarnishing the game too much, and it's equivalet at least to Pete Rose's gambling, and Shoeless Joe Jackson's taking a bribe to throw the series - whether his play actually showed this is debatable - so if they cannot be n, A-Rod and his like cannot either.

  2. Oh, I'll add that I voted "not sure" on the poll, as I'm willing to hear arguments either way. I feel the same way about Pete Rose and Joe Jackson.

  3. Matt, it's truly sad that we have to hear the names of the players that you mentioned associated with all this dark stuff. It's gotta be especially tough being Pete Rose, I mean, this man is the most prolific hitter in history, and nothing to show for. All that hustle for nothing. I feel that Shoeless is a little bit different than Rose because he was definitely trying to throw away the World Series, not just any game. His White Sox did lose to Reds in 1919 so in a way his punishment fitted the crime. He admitted under oath that he helped fix it. Maybe what they need to do is create some sort of 'Alternative' Hall where the likes of these players can be. A Hall littered with buffed up statues of Bonds, McWire, A-Rod and so on. Just kidding, but not really :)
    But jokes asides, I agree that A-Rod would have been just fine without steroids, but then again, I've never received a 200 million dollar contract to play my favorite sport so I really don't know. Pressure can really get the best of you.
